Teaching and Learning

Currently, Tipperary ETB is committed to creating within its centres, a learning environment which in its physical, social, cultural and intellectual aspects allows learners to have a holistic learning experience, facilitating them to develop both personally and academically.

Technology-Enhanced Learning

Tipperary ETB has invested in the improvement of the ICT infrastructure in relation to the replacement and improvement of hardware and wi-fi in various locations. Over the past few years, as the mode of instruction and assessment has moved to a more blended learning model, numerous teachers and tutors have upskilled their digital skills through Tipperary ETB TEL courses. All resources and TEL training opportunities can be found on the Tipperary ETB TEL Training Team.  To access this Microsoft Team you will need to have a Tipperary ETB (Office 365) email address and be added to the team by the administrator.

Moodle managed by SOLAS is also now available to support blended learning, for both full and part-time courses. The latest version of Moodle integrates with Office 365 allowing learners to log in using their Tipperary ETB email address and seamlessly access the various applications within Office 365.

Additionally, Sharepoint portal sites for HR, Finance and QA have been developed and launched making it easier for Tipperary ETB users to access communications, information, resources and processes.

Quality Assuring Work Experience and Work Placement

At Tipperary ETB we believe that work experience is a valuable part of the learning experience, allowing learners to get a taste of the realities of working in their chosen career.  Therefore, most courses leading to a major award include a Work Experience or Work Practice module with a compulsory work placement.

Tipperary ETB is committed to ensuring that the work-based learning environments that learners experience as part of their work placements are appropriate, safe, and not exploitative of the learners that engage in them.

Learner Support

Tipperary ETB is committed to providing a range of supports for learners to ensure that our programmes and services are accessible to all. Go to the Supports for Learners page for more information.

Learner Assessment Appeals

An appeals process is available to learners to enable them to appeal the assessment process and/or the assessment result.
