Education Support for Ukraine


The Department of Further Higher Education Research, Innovation and Science, together with the Department of Education,  SOLAS and Education and Training Boards Ireland are committed to ensuring a coordinated approach across schools and further education to meet the education needs of children and adults from Ukraine.

ETBI Statement on REALT:

The recently established Regional Education and Language Teams (REALT) will be hosted by the 16 regional ETBs and will be staffed by existing regionally based education support personnel.

The primary role of the REALT is to build on existing regional education support structures and the initial focus will be on assisting families in securing school places. REALT will also  support schools in the area to meet the needs of these children as they emerge, to advise and support the Department in developing new capacity where required, and to co-ordinate the provision of education services to schools and families across their defined area.

These teams will ensure that clear, accessible information flows are in place between schools, local education support services and national support structures in relation to Ukrainian arrivals.

Ireland’s Education and Training Boards lead national education response to those fleeing Ukraine – ETBI – Information for schools – Ukraine (

Tipperary ETB / REALT Details:

Tipperary ETB – Initial Support For Displaced Ukrainians Entering Ireland

The contact details below are for all Educational Queries (school places, English classes, Further Education and Training (FET)):

Tipperary ETB Contact Points:

Telephone Number: 052 613 4330


Irish Education System 

Irish Schools Information

A guide for parents on the school system in Ireland can be found here.

Primary and Post-Primary Education

Children aged between 4 and 18 will be supported to access public primary or post-primary education provided by the State as appropriate.

You can approach any local primary or post-primary school and seek information about a place for your child or children.

In Ireland, children attend primary school from ages 4 or 5 to age 12 or 13.

Children attend post-primary, sometimes called secondary school, from ages 12 or 13 for five or six years.

Children in Ireland must be in receipt of an appropriate education between the ages of 6 and 16.

School Transport Services For Children Arriving To Ireland From Ukraine

Ukrainian children attending primary or post-primary schools may apply for school transport. The application process for school transport will vary, depending on the living arrangements of the Ukrainian children. Please see the relevant category below for information:


Children residing with a host family

An application for school transport can be made via a link to an online form which is available here: Application for school transport parent/guardian/host family.

Bus Éireann will check availability of school transport services and whether spare capacity exists.

Where seats are available on existing services, the normal eligibility criteria will not apply and eligibility will be granted to the school that the child/children are enrolled in.

If seats are available on an existing service/route, these seats will be offered to the child/children. Where such seats are available the host family will be contacted and advised that a ticket will be issued. While waiting for the ticket to be issued the child/children will be permitted to travel on the service and the driver and inspector will be aware of this in all such cases where these arrangements are being provided.

Children will be expected to meet the service at the existing pick-up point.

There will be no charge for the ticket and the child will be guaranteed a ticket for the duration of their education while living with their host family in Ireland.

If the children move to live with another family/to another form of accommodation a new application for transport will be required.

In cases where there is no existing service or where there is no capacity on an existing service, a grant can be offered to the host family as appropriate to support them with the cost of transport arrangements where the host family is providing for such transport arrangements.

OR In cases where there is no existing service or where there is no capacity on an existing service, a grant can be offered to the Ukrainian family as appropriate to support them with the cost of transport arrangements where the Ukrainian family is providing for such transport arrangements.

Ukrainian families residing in their own individual/independent/private accommodation

An application for school transport can be made by the parent/guardian via a link to an online form which is available here:  Application for school transport parent/guardian/host family. The form will be available in English, Ukrainian and Russian.

Bus Éireann will check availability of school transport services and whether spare capacity exists on the required route.

Where seats are available on existing services, the normal eligibility criteria will not apply and eligibility will be granted to the school that the child/children are enrolled in.

If seats are available on an existing service/route, these seats will be offered to the child/children. Where such seats are available the host family will be contacted and advised that a ticket will be issued. While waiting for the ticket to be issued the child/children will be permitted to travel on the service and the driver and inspector will be aware of this in all such cases where these arrangements are being provided.

Children will be expected to meet the service at the existing pick-up point.

There will be no charge for the ticket and the child will be guaranteed a ticket for the duration of their education while living in their current accommodation.

If the family moves to new accommodation a new application for transport will be required.

In cases where there is no existing service or where there is no capacity on an existing service a grant can be offered to the family as appropriate to support them with the cost of transport arrangements.

Children residing in accommodation centres/modular builds/group settings

New applications for school transport for the 2023/2024 school year for the above children must be made by the school principals. School principals should complete the information required on the relevant application form and return it to The information will be submitted by REALT to Bus Éireann in order to provide school transport services as required.

A new application is:

  • If the student has been enrolled for the first time in school,
  • If the student has moved schools,
  • If the student has moved accommodation centre/modular build/group setting.

If you have made an application for a student(s) for school transport previously, and their home or school address has not changed, you do not need to re-apply for school transport, the application will carry over to the 23/24 school year.

It is important to ensure the details for these students are correct and up to date.

School Transport Application for Children from Ukraine residing in Accommodation Centres

Information for Children Enrolled in Ukraine-Based Online Schooling

If parent(s)/guardian(s) choose not to enrol their child in school in Ireland and decide to only engage with online schooling exclusively from the Ukraine, then the parent(s)/guardian(s) must register each child with AEARS (Alternative Education Assessment Registrations Service) within Tulsa, please click on the link here.

Ukrainian 3rd Level Qualification Recognition:

NARIC Ireland – Recognition of Qualifications from Other Jurisdictions.

NARIC’s searchable  Foreign Qualifications Database with over 1,400 qualifications from more than 150 countries allows you to download a comparability statement that compares your academic qualification to an Irish qualification of a similar major award type and level on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), where possible.


NARIC Ireland Foreign Qualifications – Comparability Statements

If your qualification is not listed in the database you can apply for advice on the general academic recognition of your qualification here.

naric-guide-ukraine.pdf (

NARIC Ireland Foreign Qualifications

Cultural and Linguistic Supports (Scoilnet)

Scoilnet provides a collection of practical and useful resources for schools:

Cultural & Linguistic Supports – Scoilnet

What is FET?

Further Education and Training or FET, offers a wide variety of life-long education options to anyone over 16. FET includes apprenticeships, traineeships, Post Leaving Cert (PLC) courses, community, and adult education as well as core literacy and numeracy services. FET courses and programmes are provided through the Education and Training Board network throughout the country as well as through other local providers including online through SOLAS’ eCollege. FET courses are provided at levels one to six on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).

Who is FET for?

FET is for anyone who is over 16 who wants to learn new skills or enhance existing skills to get the right job, progress to third-level or to support the achievement of personal goals.

Course Finders and Information Sites:


Further Education & Training Courses Hub

Home – FET Course Hub ( was developed by SOLAS, the Further Education & Training Authority, in partnership with Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) and other Further Education and Training providers.


Qualifax Web-page :

Ukraine – Supports and Information (

Qualifax is Ireland’s National Learners’ Database and is the “one stop shop” for learners and the public.   Comprehensive, annually updated information is provided about further and higher education and training options in Ireland and further afield. Articles and links are also provided to assist students, jobseekers, parents, guidance professionals and graduates to make informed choices for education, training and career pathways.


There are a range of courses available online with eCollege funded by Solas:

ecollege – eCollege
