External Authentication

External authentication and verification is another important part of Tipperary ETB’s assessment process.

At the end of a certified programme or course, an external authenticator or verifier (EA/EV) will be assigned to look at learner portfolios of assessment. The EA will check to make sure that the standards are met.  The EAs are people who are expert in the subject matter and who don’t work directly for the centre.

It is the role of the EA to confirm that learners’ assessments are fair and consistent, and, in line with national standards.

The EA will a give a written report with feedback that:


  1. tells the ETB of good practice in courses/programmes
  2. highlights any issues, and
  3. gives advice as to how improvements can be made on courses/programmes.

The information in the EA report is important to the Results Approval Panel meeting (RAP) so that they can approve results with confidence. Also, the EA report, helps the panel to identify any issues with results and make recommendations for corrective action(s).

QA Documentation and Forms 

Authentication/Verification Guidelines/Information

Payment Guidelines/Information

Data Protection

QA documentation and resources for Tipperary ETB internal staff relating to the EA process can be found on Tipperary ETB’s QA Sharepoint space.
